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Medical Emergency

There are probably thousands, possibly millions of you who could be affected by what I’m about ready to divulge.  You see, I was bitten a few days ago by a mosquito, spider or rabid dog.  The doctor wasn’t sure where the bite came from and asked me if I could remember a dog biting me.  I could actually remember a dog biting me, but I was 11 years old at the time.  The doctor seemed to think that excluded a dog bite.  Well here- in lies the problem .  The bite itched something fierce.  I was on the verge of going out my mind.  So what did I do?  I self medicated.  That seemed like the logical thing to do.  I went to the medicine cabinet and got out some of that pink caladryl; this stuff is supposed to alleviate that horrible itching sensation.  I doused my leg with generous amounts but it did absolutely nothing.  Family members had gathered around me to watch me wrihe in agony.  Then my little granddaughter noticed something– I was dousing my leg with Pepto Bismol and not Caladryl.  This is why I am suing and I know hundreds of you have probably had the same thing happen.  It should be illegal to have two medicines that are pink.

I happened to run into Alan Dershowitz, Robert Shapiro and Baez the guy that just defended Casey Anthony.  They all wanted to know if I had a bad childhood.  I told them I couldn’t remember.  They said that is a sure sign that I DID have a bad childhood and now had every right to sue  both companies for trying to sell pink medicine.  But we needed one last opinion before we decided to take action.  We conducted a séance and channeled Johnny Cochran we all distinctly heard him say, “if it don’t fit you got to acquit.”  Then he quickly corrected himself and said, “if it’s of a pink hue you GOT to sue.”  I know most of you have had this exact same problem that is why I’m asking you to join me in my class action lawsuit against these wicked purveyors of evil.  Robert Shapiro thought that we should label our lawsuit “Pink Pink, You Stink”.  At this point Johnnie Cochran faded out, but this is your chance to wade-in.  Join me in my fight to preserve the American way……

Love Always,


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